XSEDE Capability Delivery Plan for "CAN-03: Remote File Access" | Research Software Portal

XSEDE Capability Delivery Plan for "CAN-03: Remote File Access"

Use Case CAN-03: Remote File Access

Area: Enabling Functions
URLs: Public, Review

Executive Summary: A researcher needs to create, read, update, and delete files and directories from one site at another using POSIX operations, e.g., creat, read, write, unlink. Note that “site” can refer to a resource provided by a service provider, a local campus, a research lab, a desktop computer, or even a home computer.

URLs: Public
First CDP: 2016-06-01
Current Implementation Status: 
Issues Remaining: 
  • Accessibility
  • Verification of quality attributes
This capability is currently supported by the following 3 components:
Component User facing? Component’s role in the capability
yes Provides both the user interface for accessing files in GFFS and the client and server software for GFFS services. May be installed on end user systems, campus systems, science gateway systems, or XSEDE login servers. Files to be accessed must be present in (“exported to”) one or more active (running) GFFS services. Files in GFFS can be accessed on any system with the Genesis II client installed and configured and network connectivity to the GFFS service.
no Translates XSEDE OAuth2 tokens (user identity, group membership) obtained from Globus Auth into the signed SAML chains required by the Genesis II client
Globus Auth no Provides the authentication and authorization services that issue XSEDE user credentials and group membership data, which is in turn used by WS­Trust STS to generate credentials used by Genesis II client