XSEDE Capability Delivery Plan for "FI-03: Build a research information technology discovery service that lists services from multiple organizations" | Research Software Portal

XSEDE Capability Delivery Plan for "FI-03: Build a research information technology discovery service that lists services from multiple organizations"

Use Case FI-03: Build a research information technology discovery service that lists services from multiple organizations

Area: Community Building

Executive Summary: An organization that provides services to researchers wants to tell its researchers about useful services from many related organizations, so it builds a service catalog using data from an aggregation service that receives information from many organizations. Examples of such organizations include: a campus research information technology (IT) department and a national research service. Examples of services include: live events, online training, research computing systems (compute, viz, storage, and instruments), software and digital services, public research data, consulting and support services, and IT guides.

First CDP: 2021-02-05
Current CDP: 2021-02-05
Current Implementation Status: 
Significant Revisions:
This capability is currently supported by the following 1 components:
Component User facing? Component’s role in the capability
Information Services yes Implements the aggregation service that contains research information technology information from multiple organizations. Provides a RESTful API that developers can use to implement user facing discovery interfaces.