XSEDE Capability Delivery Plan for "IDM-11: Use an XSEDE identity for InCommon authentication"

Use Case IDM-11: Use a community identity for InCommon authentication

Area: Account Management
URLs: Public, Review

Executive Summary: A community member needs to authenticate to a service that accepts InCommon authentication.

URLs: Public
First CDP: 2017-04-06
Current CDP: 2018-07-24
Current Implementation Status: 
Significant Revisions:
This capability is currently supported by the following 4 components:
Component User facing? Component’s role in the capability
Kerberos no Provides user password authentication
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) with Duo yes Provides second factor authentication
XSEDE Central Database (XCDB) no Provides user information (name, email address)
yes Allows users to authenticate with their XSEDE Kerberos/Duo credentials for access to services federated by InCommon. This IdP also allows XSEDE users to log in to CILogon with their XSEDE identities.