User guide and target users

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User guide and target users

Hi Jim,

For the user guide, I put a link to the XSEDE guide on the CILogon site.  Can you add something about higher level of assurance certificates there and when how/when someone would want to use that (e.g., a portal developer that wants to ensure a user logged in with MFA).  Similarly for the news announcement you drafted, could you add the how/when, i.e., who should be interested in this new feature.  Is the target for this Service Providers and gateway operators?




Hi Shava,

Thanks for the input.

I added the following to

CILogon Silver Certificates

Due to XSEDE’s support for the REFEDS Assurance Framework, XSEDE users on active allocations can obtain higher assurance X.509 certificates from the CILogon Silver CA. These higher assurance X.509 certificates are required for access to some XSEDE partner infrastructures, such as the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI). XSEDE users on active allocations should see "Level of Assurance: Silver" (as shown below) when logging on at with their XSEDE identities. Users can visit to confirm that they are on an active XSEDE allocation. Visit for more details about CILogon Silver certificates.

Also, I modified Section E.2 of to contain the following:

CILogon Silver CA provides higher assurance X.509 certificates

XSEDE's CILogon service provides X.509 certificates to XSEDE users.

Due to XSEDE's support for the REFEDS Assurance Framework, XSEDE users on active allocations can now obtain higher assurance X.509 certificates from the CILogon Silver CA by visiting and logging on with their XSEDE identities. Higher assurance X.509 certificates are required for access to some XSEDE partner infrastructures, such as the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI).

More information is available at

What I'm trying to say is:

How: Visit and log on using your XSEDE identity.

When: Any time you want to access EGI or another infrastructure that requires higher assurance X.509 certificates.

The target is XSEDE users, not Service Providers or gateway operators.


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