Hi Jim,
For the user guide, I put a link to the XSEDE guide on the CILogon site. Can you add something about higher level of assurance certificates there and when how/when someone would want to use that (e.g., a portal developer that wants to ensure a user logged in with MFA). Similarly for the news announcement you drafted, could you add the how/when, i.e., who should be interested in this new feature. Is the target for this Service Providers and gateway operators?
Hi Shava,
Thanks for the input.
I added the following to https://www.cilogon.org/xsede:
Also, I modified Section E.2 of https://software.xsede.org/svn/xci/activities/xci-509/trunk/Deliverables/XCI-509-CILogon-Silver-REFEDS-Assurance-Deployment-Plan.pdf to contain the following:
What I'm trying to say is:
How: Visit https://cilogon.org/ and log on using your XSEDE identity.
When: Any time you want to access EGI or another infrastructure that requires higher assurance X.509 certificates.
The target is XSEDE users, not Service Providers or gateway operators.