Review feedback for REVIEW-80: Globus Connect v.5.4 Custom Domains - Design/Security Review

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Review feedback for REVIEW-80: Globus Connect v.5.4 Custom Domains - Design/Security Review

Having reviewed the documentation, this design satisfies XSEDE and SP security requirements as I understand them.  I have just a few comments about the documentation itself:

3. Custom Domains (new in v5.4.FIXME)

This will undoubtedly be addressed, but we will need to have the actual version that contains this fix in this doc.  This occurs again later in the document

In 4.1 Endpoint Domain, in Example 5, the example discusses setting an endpoint to appear as, with mapped and guest collctions looking like and, but then goes on to describe the endpoint administrator obtaining a certificate for *  I assume that this is a mistake, and that the certificate should be for *, but if not, it is concerning that one might such a broad wildcard.

In section 4.2 Mapped Collection Domains, in Example 6, it is implied (but not stated) that the certificate for the custom mapped collection domain must be a wildcard certificate (i.e. * when using the --wildcard option so that guest collections have domain names that are subdomains of  This should be explicit.





In the Globus documentation today (after this feedback was reported), section 3's title is now "Custom Domains (new in v.5.4.13)". I think that resolves that issue.

I've reported the two additional comments to the Globus team so they can make these fixes. I agree that both of these would improve the documentation.

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