User guide module load command

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User guide module load command
The user guide shows an example where 'module load CTSSV4' is executed before the user runs xdusage. I have no recollection of a standard to have a module named CTSSV4 on XSEDE SP systems. On Bridges, we have had a module named xdusage (as opposed to CTSSV4), and include it by default in users' environments.
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The installation guide has instructions for installing an xdusage module file. I don't believe the ctssv4 module is required. It looks like it is maybe a holdover from Teragrid?

"Coordinated TeraGrid Software and Services"

I don't have edit access to the page:

Derek and Peter,

Agreed. The installation guide and user documentation should be updated to remove references to CTSS and the CTSSV4 module.

Instead, the installation guide should include defining an "xdusage" module that is referenced in the user guide. In the use guide we may want to say something like, "If the xdusage command is not already in your environment (determined using the "which xdusage") command, load the module using the "module load xdusage" command. This will accommodate for SPs where xdusage may not be in the default environment.




Good catch Derek.  Peter, can you submit a help ticket to fix the documentation?


Ticket created: "Fix to user documentation on user portal" [ #91443].

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