
Grid Community Toolkit

The Grid Community Toolkit (GCT) is an open-source fork by the Grid Community Forum of the venerable Globus Toolkit created by the Globus Alliance. The GCT was created in response to the end-of-support of the Globus Toolkit in January 2018.

XCRI Cluster Monitoring Toolkit

XCRI offers a Cluster Monitoring toolkit - compatible with the XCBC or any OpenHPC cluster running Warewulf, that allows sites to install tools that monitor both cluster health and job statistics. The toolkit allows administrators to generate fine-grained reports of usage based on users, projects, and job types, which can be a great aid in keeping track of ROI or justifying future funding.

XSEDE National Integration Toolkit (XNIT)

Suppose you already have a cluster that you are happy with and you want to add too it software tools that will allow users to use open sources software like that on XSEDE, or other particular pieces of software that you think are important, but you don't want to blow up your cluster to add that capability? XNIT is for you. You can add all of the basic software that is in SCBC, as relocatable RPMs (Resource Package Manger), via a YUM repo . (YUM Stands for Yellowdog Updater, Modified).

XSEDE-Compatible Basic Cluster (XCBC)

The XSEDE-Compatible Basic Cluster (XCBC) software toolkit enables campus CI resource administrators to build a local cluster from scratch, which is then easily interoperable with XSEDE-supported CI resources. XCBC is very simple in concept: pull the lever, have a cluster built for you complete with an open source resource manager / scheduler and all of the essential tools needed to run a cluster, and have those tools set in place in ways that mimic the basic setup on an XSEDE-supported cluster .

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