Implementation Status Background

This view shows, at a glance, the current implementation status of all of XSEDE's documented use cases. Click the title in the first column for details about a specific use case.

Implementation Components: number of components XSEDE currently uses to implement the use case

Issues to be Addressed: number of issues that are currently being worked on related to this use case

Issues Remaining: number of open issues that are not currently being worked on. The significance of issues vary widely. In particular, Issues Remaining are typically those that have not been deemed sufficiently pressing to merit effort. Check the details to see if an issue is likely to affect your work.

Implementation Status: automatically calculated based on the data above. Because this status is automatically calculated with no human judgment involved, the PARTIAL status is often shown when a status of FULL might be arguable. Check the details by clicking the title in the first column.

Implementation Status rules

Status Meaning
NONE No supporting component are listed, so we don't believe the use case is currently implemented.
FULL The use case is fully implemented in the XSEDE system. Supporting components are listed, there are zero Issues Remaining, and any Issues to be Addressed have been marked completed or closed.
PARTIAL The use case has been implemented with some limitations. Supporting components are listed but there are issues that have not yet been addressed.
NO CDP The implementation status of this use case is unknown or not documented.