RDR Service Provider Instructions


Service provider instructions for entering and updating Resource Description Repository "RDR" information.  These instructions are for all service providers, including L1 and L2 allocated, unallocated, and L3 service providers.

Before a service provider can follow these instructions they will need to  obtain "Admin for Organization" RDR access

Additional information is available in the RDR User Guide.


  1. Define an RDR Resource with:
    • Project Affiliation is "XSEDE"
    • Status (**) is one of Friendly, Coming Soon, Pre-Production, Production, or Post-Production
  2. Define at least one RDR Sub-Resource of the above RDR Resource with:
    • Type is "compute" or "storage"
    • Status (**) is one of Friendly, Coming Soon, Pre-Production, Production, or Post-Production

(**) The RDR Resource and Sub-Resource Status is based on whether the current date falls between the a Status Begin Date and End Date. When a resource has multiple statuses, if any of them are in the above list the resource will show up.