
Field of Science: 
Earth Science
Venkatesh Merwade <vmerwade@purdue.edu>

WaterHUB is a global communication and research platform for research, education, knowledge sharing and global outreach. WaterHUB will leverage Purdue's HUB cyberinfrastructure for communication and sharing of knowledge as well as for developing hub-based capability involving data and models for water-based applications. In addition, WaterHUB will also use other national level efforts such as the Consortium of Universities for Advancement of Hydrologic Science Inc's (CUAHSI) Hydrologic Information System (HIS) web services for accessing public domain and research level point observations for streamflow, precipitation and water quality. WaterHUB will provide a multi-scale modeling environment to address the global water challenge using multiple, heterogeneous geospatial and temporal datasets. In addition to addressing technical and research issues, WaterHUB will serve as a global portal that will connect researchers, educators, students, policy makers and the general public including media to create a holistic framework for addressing the global water challenge.