Infrastructure-as-a-Service Use Cases

These use cases describe the ways in which researchers use Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS or "cloud") computing resources. They include: how IaaS services are used by end users, how IaaS services are shared within a research community, and how application and science gateway developers can automate use of IaaS services via APIs.


(11 use cases)
Use Case ID Title Use Case Description
IAAS-01 Request to use an IaaS host for research
IAAS-02 Self-service acquire and use a virtual computer system
IAAS-03 Self-service acquire and use a hosted storage volume
IAAS-04 Request and use a virtual cluster
IAAS-05 Publish a virtual computer system or storage volume
IAAS-06 Discover a relevant computer system or storage volume
IAAS-07 Create an instance of a published computer system or storage volume
IAAS-08 Dynamically acquire and manage hosted computer systems and/or storage volumes
IAAS-09 Reliably acquire and manage hosted computer systems and/or storage volumes
IAAS-10 Add a science gateway operator to an API-enabled IaaS allocation
IAAS-11 Protect a virtual cluster by creating a bastion host