Service Provider Integration Use Cases

These use cases describe how Service Providers (SPs) integrate their resources with a broader research computing community.


(18 use cases)
Use Case ID Title Use Case Description
SPI-01 Resource integration console
SPI-02 Guided resource discovery
SPI-03 View all resource information
SPI-04 Access resource information from an application
SPI-05 Active account information
SPI-06 Emergency account suspension
SPI-07 Enable a research community to install software on a resource
SPI-08 Register availability of a specific application or service for use
SPI-09 Test a system for vulnerabilities using an automated service
SPI-10 Obtain expert help with resolving a system vulnerability
SPI-11 Host a repository of files so it can be accessed on many resources and manually populated by authorized individuals
SPI-12 Host a repository of files so it can be accessed on many resources and automatically populated
SPI-13 Configure a service to use high-assurance X.509 certificates for user access
SPI-14 Report resource usage against allocations
SPI-15 Configure notifications regarding resource allocations and individual users
SPI-16 Scan a moderated service provider forum for a solution to a problem other SPs are likely to have had
SPI-17 Push an alert or information to resource users via a web interface
SPI-18 Offer a web interface for a community resource