TS-04: Share a read-only view of a remote desktop session with someone else

Executive Summary: 
A researcher shares a remote desktop session with someone else so the other person can assist with an issue in the session or observe what the researcher is doing. The other viewer can only see the desktop session, not interact with it.
User Importance Summary: 
When diagnosing and helping with technical issues, it is often necessary for support personnel to see exactly what the user is seeing. This saves time and effort for both the user and the support person and maximizes the benefit of the technical support staff to the community as a whole. This is especially true when using graphical user interfaces, as relevant details could appear anywhere on the display and may not be noticed by non-experts.
Target Communities and Sizes: 
Researchers - 1,000 < N < 10,000 Students - 10,000 < N < 100,000 Educators - 100 < N < 1,000