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Research Software Portal (RSP) Online Service A portal designed to help research software users (researchers, educators, students, application developers), research software developers, and the research computing administrators to work together efficiently by sharing requirements, plans, activity status, and information about available software.
XSEDE Globus Connect Server XSEDE XCI Metrics Online Service For storing XSEDE XCI metrics data |
XSEDE Globus Connect Server XSEDE OSG Virtual Cluster Online Service The OSG Virtual Cluster is a Condor pool overlay on top of OSG resources. This endpoint can be used to access data stored on the OSG file system. |
XSEDE Globus Connect Server xsede-test-7-2 Online Service
XSEDE Subversion Repository Online Service XSEDE's installation of a Subversion repository, operated and maintained by XSEDE personnel
XSEDE Globus Connect Server XSEDE Beacon Online Service
XSEDE Globus Connect Server XSEDE Metrics Data for Analysis Online Service Access to XSEDE metrics data for people who will be performing analysis on it |
XSEDE GitHub Repository Online Service XSEDE Official GitHub project and repositories
XSEDE Globus Connect Server TAMU FASTER DTN2 XSEDE Endpoint Online Service
XSEDE Globus Connect Server XSEDE LSU CCT supermic Online Service SuperMIC is a 925 TFlop Peak Performance Xeon Phi accelerated cluster. SuperMIC has 360 nodes each with 20 Intel Ivybridge 2.8 GHz cores, 64 GB of RAM, and two Intel Xeon Phi 7120P co-processors. There are 20 nodes that have NVIDIA K20X GPUs. This cluster is 40% allocated to the XSEDE user community and 60% dedicated to authorized users of the LSU community. Access is restricted to those who meet the criteria as stated on our website. |
XSEDE Globus Connect Server Globus usage reports incoming on XSEDE XCI Metrics Online Service Incoming Globus usage reports on XSEDE XCI Metrics |
XSEDE Metrics on Demand (XDMod) Online Service The XDMoD (XD Metrics on Demand) tool provides HPC center personnel and senior leadership with the ability to easily obtain detailed operational metrics of HPC systems coupled with extensive analytical capability to optimize performance at the system and job level, ensure quality of service, and provide accurate data to guide system upgrades and acquisitions.
XSEDE Digital Object Repository (XDOR) Online Service Digital object repository for the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) project.
XSEDE Globus Connect Server ACCESS UD DARWIN Online Service Collection for ACCESS users to access data on DARWIN |
Resource Description Repository (RDR) Online Service XSEDE's Resource Description Repository web application
OSG GSI OpenSSH login service Online Service OSG login node
Globus Auth ID Explorer Online Service Tool that enables developers and service operators to see Globus Auth API OIDC and OAuth2 application visible data for authenticated users.
Service Provider Mass Storage Systems Online Service Some XSEDE Service Providers (SPs) offer mass storage systems. These systems provide orders of magnitude more data storage than personal or (most) academic departmental storage systems and are intended to facilitate high-end scientific computing and data analysis activities. These mass storage systems are nearly always accessible via the command-line interface offered by the SP's computation resources. Some SPs also offer other interfaces to their mass storage systems (e.g., GridFTP, Globus, and similar network interfaces).
Singularity Container Collaboration and Registry Online Service Online Singularity Container Collaboration Services and Registry
Research Software Portal Manual Software and Services Registration Forms Online Service The Research Software Portal enables software developers, resource and digital service operators, and infrastructure integrators to manually register using web forms vendor software, operational deployment of software, and packaged software. By registering software and advanced digital services users can discover and use that softgware.
Service Provider Batch Processing Services Online Service Several XSEDE Service Providers (SPs) offer batch processing (aka, "job queue") services. A batch processing service allows individuals with an allocation on the resource to submit and manage computational jobs to one or more queues. A job typically includes a specification of the application or script to be run, input files, and the application or scripts processing requirements (number of compute cores, working memory, working storage, etc.). The jobs in each queue are scheduled according to a policy unique to the queue and are executed in the manner dictated by the scheduler. The job queue interface allows status queries and notification of job completion. Most job queues offer command-line interfaces (CLI) and require remote terminal (command shell) login to an interactive node on the system where the CLI is available. |
Cornell Virtual Workshop Online Service The Cornell Virtual WorkshopSM learning platform is designed to enhance the computational science skills of researchers, accelerate the adoption of new and emerging technologies, and broaden the participation of underrepresented groups in science and engineering.
CI-Tutor Online Service CI-Tutor offers tutorials on high-end computing topics such as parallel computing, multi-core performance, and performance tools. Its goal is to enable the high end computing community to effectively use cyberinfrastructureresources such as those offered by the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE).
Amazon Elastic Container Registry Online Service Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is a fully-managed Docker container registry that makes it easy for developers to store, manage, and deploy Docker container images. Amazon ECR is integrated with Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), simplifying your development to production workflow. Amazon ECR eliminates the need to operate your own container repositories or worry about scaling the underlying infrastructure. Amazon ECR hosts your images in a highly available and scalable architecture, allowing you to reliably deploy containers for your applications. Integration with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) provides resource-level control of each repository. With Amazon ECR, there are no upfront fees or commitments. You pay only for the amount of data you store in your repositories and data transferred to the Internet.
XCI Usage Visualization and Analysis Service Online Service The Usage Visualization and Analysis Service based on the Grafana software enables XSEDE staff to view important usage metrics for 12 instrumented components, including CILogon, Globus Auth, Globus Transfer, SSO Hub, RDR, Research Software Portal, XDCDB APIs, Information Services APIs, and software downloads. Some of the important usage metrics include: number of times components were accessed, which users accessed components, distinct users per time period, and which clients accessed components. For the Globus Transfer service we have ~10 years of XSEDE usage data, while for most other components we have ~4 years worth of usage data.