Suppose you already have a cluster that you are happy with and you want to add too it software tools that will allow users to use open sources software like that on XSEDE, or other particular pieces of software that you think are important, but you don't want to blow up your cluster to add that capability? XNIT is for you. You can add all of the basic software that is in SCBC, as relocatable RPMs (Resource Package Manger), via a YUM repo . (YUM Stands for Yellowdog Updater, Modified). The RPMs in XNIT allow you to expand the functionality of your cluster, in ways that mimic the setup on an XSEDE cluster. XNIT packages include specific scientific, mathematical, and visualization applications that have been useful on XSEDE systems. Systems administrators may pick and choose what they want to add to their local cluster ; updates may be configured to run automatically or manually. Currently the XNIT repository is available for x86_64 systems running CentOS 6 or 7. Consult the XSEDE Knowledge Base for more information.